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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Залялова Аида Фаридовна2116
Россия, Татарстан респ., Казань
Материал размещён в группе «Урок английского (English lesson)»

Благотворительная ярмарка

Ежегодно в нашей школе проходит Благотворительная ярмарка, этот год не исключение. По итогам ярмарки я попросила написать о ней своих учеников. Вот несколько примеров, а также фотоотчет!

Adem Zakharov

The event I want to write about is a charity fair at my school. This event takes place in spring and autumn of each year in order to raise money from sales for those who in need.

Everyone makes preparations on the eve of the event in their own way: Some bakes pastries, some collects unnecessary things from home, while others generally buy food to resell. Everyone chooses in their own way which way they will take at the next fair.

During the event, each class tries to maximize sales income. They advertise, work in the crowd, negotiate, and so on. Music is playing, visitors are frolicking, buying something for home or something to eat, and having a good time.

During the holiday, people feel peace, relief, joy and benefit from their actions. I believe that these events bring the class together and help people in need of money.

Egor Sirotkin

This event is called a charity fair. The fair takes place every year at our school. This occasion for earn money and send all the money to the children's fund. Organizers prepare a fair for sale and each class must bring an item from home for sale. During the fair students go and buy something from others classes. I think people during the fair feel a sense of pride, because they help children.

I think such fairs should be held because good must be done.

Zaliya Galimzanova

Twice a year, various fairs are held at our school, which are arranged to receive money for charity. They can take place in different parts of the world. On such days, the doors of the school are open to all visitors who come to see and buy something or product that the children put up for sale. All funds collected from sales will be used for the stated purpose.

At a school fair, adults usually sell food. And children make jewelry, various product with their own hands. If there is almost no time, you can cook cookies, cupcakes everything that they did with their own hands or cooked was sold to everyone who wanted to buy, and the money was transferred to where it was needed or remained with the sellers.

People are happy that they sell their work to a charitable foundation. It is perfect when everyone gave together to help people in need.






Опубликовано в группе «Урок английского (English lesson)»

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